Sponsor the 2025 Conference

As we enter our 34th year, the Colorado Public Plan Coalition has held a three and a half-day educational conference for Colorado public-sector retirement plan trustees and administrators at one of Colorado’s finest resorts. The multi-day format allows for general sessions and workshop programs that explore topics in great detail including an introduction to fiduciary responsibility, investing fundamentals for every trustee, behavioral finance, optimizing taxes and social security benefits in retirement, a deep dive into Target Date Funds, health savings accounts, and maintaining post retirement assets.

Please contact Jared Martin at jmartin@innovestinc.com, (303) 694-1900 ext. 309, Christine Hudek at chudek@innovestinc.com, (303) 694-1900 ext. 365, or Kyli Soto at ksoto@innovestinc.com, (303) 694-1900 ext. 356, if you would like to become a sponsor of the conference. Click on the Sponsorship Flyer below for complete details.


Thank you to our past

CPPC Conference 2024 Sponsors!